The Problem of Efficiency
The Problems of 'what to produce', how to produce' and 'forwhom to produce' lead us to the problem of efficiency. Since whom to produce' lead us to the problem of efficiency. Since resources are scarce, there should be efficiency in production. For the maximisation of walfare, distribution should be efficient.
Production is efficient when an alternative reallocation of resources cannot increase the production of any good even by one unit. cannot increase the production of any good even by one unit. Similiarly, distribution is efficient when a reallocation cannot make even person better off without making others worse off.
The problem of Fuller Utilization of Resources
Another problem that every economy faces is the problem of fuller utilization of resources. Scarcity of resources is the basic problem. If scarce resources are not fully utilised, it aggravates the problem. Labour remaining unemployed, machinery lying idle and land kept unutilised are instances of under utilization of resources. During recessions and depressions, resources may remain unutilised or under utilised. Economic growth and development requires fuller utilization of resources.
The problem of growth of Resources
We have seen that resources are scarce. But that doesn't mean that they are constant or stagnant. Resources can be made to grow. it is possible to have more labour and more productive labour. Similarly, it is possible to increase the stock of capital and make capital more productive. Devoloped countries achieved economic devolopment by increasing their resources. In other words, they succeeded in achieving the growth of resources. Developing couuntries should aim at grown of resources, if they are to achiever economic development.